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Consular legalisation for Saudi Arabia
Notarisation of documents for Saudi Arabia
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Legalisation required.
This is followed by legalisation by the Consulate of Saudi Arabia. Commercial documents additionally require legalisation at the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Arab-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry prior to submitting to the Consulate of Saudi Arabia.
The Embassy requires copy of a passport of the signatory (ies) and copy of the Certificate of Incorporation in case of commercial documents.
The signatory (ies) passport (s) must be typed in/written under/against his name for Powers of Attorney, Authorisations of Agent and Agreements. In case of Saudi Arabian nationals, their ID numbers need to be typed in against each name appointed.
For a work permit application and legalisation of educational certificates, document(s) must be presented through the Cultural Attaché and not through the consular section.
For legalisation of personal documents, the holder must attend the consular section to submit the documentation in person.
Two photocopies of each document are required in case of company documents, and the name and address of the consignee or agent in Saudi Arabia must appear on each document.
Please allow up to 5-7 working days for the legalisation of commercial documents through the London and Arab-British Chambers of Commerce.
The legalisation fee charge of the Consulate of Saudi Arabia is £12 per commercial document plus £48.03 for London and Arab-British Chambers of Commerce for standard service. For private documents, the legalisation fee is £12 per document.
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
30 Charles Street